Friday, November 25, 2011

thanksgiving..oh so much! when I was younger so little now older so much.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Leadership is not for everyone.

So often I  have to interact with type A, alpha, go getting hard charging  people.  The problem is  they are also often jerks, and usually have made one or more bad decisions that lead them to my world. They are one step away from disaster and  usually the author of it themselves. So if you are one of those dynamic type people and everywhere you go people run for cover and avoid you and even more so if the police have been called because of you. I would offer this advice, STOP IT NOW! Being a jerk is not a leadership skill. If you drive all your followers away what are you leading? Leadership is a lot of work with limited reward and thanks. Be sure you are willing to do the work and make the sacrifice.  And if you find yourself  just not willing, well that's OK too. Not everyone should be a leader some are meant to be really great followers, And really great followers  make a leader.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I came home from work hot, tired stressed and worn out.  I just wanted to take a nap,  but the dogs really needed to go out and laundry was walking out the door. Not the great walking  to survival that we all read of. But stuff needed to be done. Heard this great sermon of an Antarctic adventure where the only survivor just made the decision to take another step to keep going on. I think it works also with the mundane daily stuff. Going to  keep keeping on. Let us see what this becomes.